How to Write Seo Friendly Articles ?

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How to Write Seo Friendly Articles ?

This time we will discuss about how to write the latest seo friendly articles that apply in the era after the birth of Google Panda and Google Penguin.

For people who like to write, saving their writing on a blog will certainly provide many benefits. One of the writings will not disappear, because writing on paper has the potential to be damaged and lost very high. The second can provide benefits to others, if the writing is good and needed by many people. whitelabel seo reports

But there is nothing wrong, maybe even better if our writing is also considered as an important article and good quality by readers and search engines. 

For this reason, the articles we make that will be stored on the blog are better served by following the rules determined by the search engine (in this case, consider Google). Well the articles or articles that are presented by following the rules or rules are known as SEO friendly articles. 

Google always issues its newest algorithm with the content of an article. Blog articles or websites are considered quality not only good in the eyes of search engines, but also good for human readers . 

Google algorithms related to seo friendly articles are: 

1. Google Panda algorithm. 

Google Panda was released in 2011 with the main goal of punishing all websites / blogs with low quality content. Since then quality content is considered as king (content is king). Even quality content is very instrumental in the process of analyzing and evaluating websites carried out by Google. 

Google improves the capabilities and performance of Google Panda. At the time of the first release, Google Panda evaluated Google's index and looked for websites / blogs that contained duplicate content, incriminating advertisements, and various dangerous techniques such as black-hat SEO spam. 

2. Google Penguin Algorithm 

After Google removed Panda from its nest to kick websites / blogs with low quality content. Google releases a new algorithm with the task of identifying and punishing websites / blogs that make mistakes in implementing SEO (search engine optimization) such as excessive optimization. This algorithm was released a year after Panda, more precisely in 2012 under the name Google Penguin. 

Google Penguin also targets sites that do keyword stuffing (the act of manipulating website rankings in Google search results by using excessive and unnatural targeted keywords in the website) and all actions that are directly related to black-hat SEO techniques. But on the other hand, Penguin actually provides gifts for websites / blogs that apply white-hat SEO techniques and are enriched with high-quality content that is liked and provides benefits to the reader. 

On the first release, Penguin targets sites that manipulate links that aim to get a lot of traffic. Penguin also punishes websites that contain irrelevant links / links. 
We go back to the discussion on how to make articles that are as friendly as Now. 
There are 15 SEO techniques that relate to website / blog content to influence search results in search engines, especially Google. 

1. Articles must prioritize User Experience
User experience means relating to the experience of the user or reader of an article from a website / blog page. 

For Google, this user experience is one of the most important factors in determining the ranking of website / blog pages, because this is naturally done by readers and cannot be manipulated by website owners. 

User experience is the activity and response of the user / reader while browsing a website / blog. How long they read, how the response to the article was read, how many pages were opened, which part of the web was clicked, and so on. 

Google considers the longer the user is on a website page, the higher the quality value. This was discussed by an SEO expert named John Limbocker which is reviewed here in the greetings of the Blackhatword website . 

As long as any SEO article writing technique is someone, if you don't pay attention to the user experience factor , don't expect the results to be optimal. 

This user experince is also influenced by several other factors, including:

Professional Website / Blog Design 
Respondive design
Loading speed
Easy navigation
Easy to read size and font type 
Reduce spelling / typo errors (typo) 
There is a good interaction, both in the form of comments, discussions and shares 
And others.

2. Use the Keyword in the Article Title

The title is the face of an article and is a very important component. When Google crawls, the first element Google finds is the title or title. 

Thus the title / title must contain the main keyword of the article, so as to make it easier for Google to determine the theme of the article. Don't let Google determine the theme incorrectly because the title is not clear. 

The placement of keywords or keywords in a title is best placed at the beginning, the better to the left. But this must be adjusted as best as possible, not to force the placing of keywords in front, so that the title becomes unreadable or rigid, or even difficult to understand. 

3. Use Curious and Inviting Titles Click

Make a title that contains keywords, not an easy matter. Sometimes the titles we make become awkward and stiff and not readable. But if we make the title as flexible as possible so that it makes us curious and invites clicks, the keyword is not entered. 

In this case we are required to try to make a title that contains the keywords that we are targeting, but it is still pleasant to read, and makes the reader curious and invites the reader to click on the title. 

Try to make the length of the title no more than 60 letters (including spaces), so as not to cut when appearing on the google search page. We must strive to with 60 letters, the title of our article is still pleasant to read and makes visitors curious. 

4. Make Long and Profound Articles

The longer an article is, the better its ranking in the google search engine. Even the analysis conducted by on 1 million searches on google, for websites that appear on the first page on average, contain articles with a total number of 1,890 words. This shows that the length of the article greatly affects the SERP (search engine result page) on google. 

But it is not enough just to load a long article. The article must discuss the topic in depth or comprehensively (complete and comprehensive). In English it is known as the In Depth Content . 

5. Use Internal Linking

Internal linking is a link between pages in a blog / website. With this internal linking, readers are presented with complete information, so that visitors will stay on our website for a long time, and this is an element that supports the good user factor expreince. 

6. External Linking to Relevant Authority Site

Providing a link to a well-known, good and trusted external website ( authority site ) that is relevant to the article we post, will have a good effect on Google, because our website references trusted websites. 

Besides that, with this external link, it helps the reader to find accurate references or sources of information. 

Use the dofollow attribute when doing external linking to the authority site, provided that the theme must be truly relevant. If it's not relevant don't ever use dofollow attributes, because google will assume we are doing black hat. 

Instead use the nofollow attributewhen doing an external link to a mediocre website (not an authority site), let alone the link to the sales website. 

7. Keyword Density as needed

The term keyword density means the number of keywords or keywords that appear on one article page. 

Before the birth of Google Panda, many SEO experts suggested keyword density in an article between 3% and 5%. But after google gave birth to keyword density Google Panda with this capacity no longer valid, even the articles that still contained that many keywords were hit by Panda and were thrown away from page 1 SERP ( search engine result page ). 

For now, keyword density may be important, but not too much. Google's latest algorithm is very sophisticated to determine the quality of an artike. Back to the first point, in making the article focus on the user exprence . 

Too many pairs of keywords or keywords in an article, can be considered as keyword stuffing (the act of using excessive keywords to get ranked on the search page) by Google. 

Focusing more on user experience and keyword density, LSI and synonyms will usually adjust accordingly. 

Logically, if our articles are good and quality, and discuss topics in depth, the keywords that we want to optimize will enter itself through your writings. 
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