5 Things That Be Guaranteed Accepted Google Adsense
Google Adsense is Google's online advertising service. In addition to Adsense, Google also has Google Adword is a service for advertisers or advertisers who then the ads will be displayed on blogs or websites that register through Google Adsense.
Google Adsense publisher is the dream of many people including you, wkwkwk Why ? Because the commissions we get through the delivery of ads by Google Adsense on our blog is very high and the ads are dynamic and directed. serp seo api
but not easy to accept as Google Adsense Publisher, there are mandatory requirements that you must follow. But do not immediately give up, if you really want to contribute as Google Adsense Publisher you must understand the mandatory requirement to receive in Google Adsense follows:
1. Your Own Blog
This means that before you want to become a Google Adsense Publisher, of course you must have your own blog, why is that because later on you will be asked to verify that you are right is the owner of the blog with memaasukan HTML code from Google Adsense.
2. Age Blog 6 (Six) Months
Well, maybe hear the word 6 months you will immediately Down, How not because the time tesebut long enough. But Google Adsense does not also make the rules tesebut is a provision, meaning you can be accepted as Google Adsense Publisher before the time in the explained. With the condition Blog you already have a very high traffic at least 10.000 Visitior per day.
3. Age 18 Years
Well, let alone this so 18 years old, hahahaha .. This is not the age of the blog but this is the age requirement when you create the first account on Google, Meaning if your age is more than 18 years of course you are allowed to register Google Adsense
4. Content
Content is the content of your blog in the form of posts, images or videos that you post into it. Create content that suggested by Google that is interesting and useful for visitors, and make the relevant posts.
5. Navigation
Google Adsense Mandatory Accepted Terms further Navigation Menu.
In registering your blog to Google Adsense you also have to make sure your blog has navigation menu like About, Privacy, Search Column, Contact
Create an About Menu that contains about who you are, explain the whole about your blog, such as topics covered and other info that may be important for the user.
Privacy Policya
Privacy Polici is a site management policy, you can create your own word or can also create an online Privacy Policy.
Search Field
How important is the search field? very important, imagine if you are visiting a store and in the store tersbut no servant! want to ask who you are? Likewise Search Column in a blog will be very helpful for users to search for an article you have ever made.
Again, create a blog that really shows who you are. Be open to the user, by making contact menu so if there is something that the user wants to find out about the topic of your blog, then the user can call you.
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