9 Secrets of Taking Acne Skin-Free Natural Health

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9 Secrets of Taking Acne Skin-Free Natural Health

Many guidelines on facial skin care are discussed online. But the secrets of skin care  kinclong,  clean glowing natural and free from acne problems will be discussed here. If the way you care for the right skin you have found, the cost to look beautiful will be saved.

The skin is the main body part nature treatment that should be of particular concern to obtain a natural beauty. In fact some people spend half their income to get facial skin shine, moist and smooth and clean. And if you understand the utilization of natural materials then the cost will be more efficient in terms of skin care.

A person who has beautiful skin reflects the level of attention to the body. This is the canvas of the human body and one of the most valuable assets. For good and cheap skin care, start developing healthy habits that keep your property from the inside out.

9 Ways to Take Care of Acne Free Natural Skin

To care for skin health is not really expensive. here are some ways to beautify the face in terms of skin type, behavior, and use of safe and economical cosmetics.

1. Recognize skin type

Choosing a facial skin care product should be tailored to the skin condition. Skin types are actually easy to recognize, but sometimes confuse whether your skin is oily, dry, or normal.

The mistake of choosing a skin cleanser that is incompatible with skin type will have an impact on the changes, and decreased elasticity and skin pigment. The result certainly makes the skin so dull and allows acne appear.

2. Choosing the right cosmetics

Not all cosmetics fit your skin condition. Then your job is to be selective in choosing a cosmetic cleanser for the face. Cosmetics such as toner for oily skin are  not recommended on dry skin, nor vice versa.

Before determining cosmetics suitable for the skin, it is important to read the product packaging labels. Today many cosmetics contain alcohol as well as more dangerous mercury contents, which of course can cause illness if long-term use. (Read: 5 considerations to choose a good toner for oily skin )

3. Routine cleansing the face

Face is the most common part of the body exposed to sunlight, dust, air pollution, and extreme weather. Therefore, to treat skin health naturally you can do that is:

- Wash your face at least twice a day. Once in the morning and once in the night before bed.
- After cleansing the skin, follow with toner and moisturizer.

Toner helps remove oil scraps, dirt, and make-up that is often missed during cleaning. Moisturizer is necessary even for people with oily skin. Buy the most appropriate moisturizer for your skin type (dry, normal or oily).

4. Using Sunscreen

Exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation from sunlight causes many changes to the skin including face, wrinkled skin, discoloration, spots or aging. It also causes the growth of harmless (non-cancerous) such as seborrhoeic keratoses, and the growth of pre-cancerous or cancer such as Basal cell carcinoma , squamous cell carcinoma , and melanoma.

Though most skin cancers associated with exposure to sunlight. To get started, pay attention to the following rules:

- Limit the time in the sun, especially between 10 am and 2 pm
- Always wear a broad-spectrum sunscreen with a physical zinc oxide blocker and a sun protection factor (SPF) of 30 or more.
- Cover an open area with protective clothing, such as a long-sleeved shirt, long pants, and wide-brimmed hat.

5. Consumption of fruits rich in vitamins and artificial multivitamins

Vitamins are not only for the health of internal organs, nor the support of your stamina, but it is also much needed on the skin. The following types of vitamins are easy to find in fruits.

Vitamin A
Can be easily found on vegetables such as spinach and carrots. Not just for the eyes, vitamin A can overcome dry skin and give skin softness.

Vitamin B
Maintain skin structure to avoid premature aging. This content can be found on the type of vegetable nuts.

Vitamin E
It's no stranger to the skin. Its ability to regenerate cells and inhibit the appearance of wrinkles makes this vitamin mostly contained in artificial multivitamins. Vitamin E can be found in vegetable oils.

Vitamin C
Have free radical activator activity that actively moves to find the partner in the body. The antioxidant properties of Vit.C are needed to fight various health problems including skin health. 

Other ingredients such as selenium, zinc, essential fatty acids, also act as substances to improve skin health. This can be found in seafood.

6. Do regular exercise

Exercise is very good for any kind of treatment including skin. To get started, make a regular schedule at least 2 times a week. Choose light exercise such as gymnastics,  jogging , yoga and occasional gym. Exercise can burn calories and throw away the rest of your metabolism and give flexibility to your skin.

7. Consumption only Healthy food

The challenge for you who have a busy life is to find healthy food. How not, you are spoiled with  fast food food  that promises excellent service. But actually your own processed food is far more healthful than  outside snacks  .

8. Discard your bad habits

Smoking is an absolute must to be stopped to get beautiful skin shine. Harmful active compounds in cigarettes you can not count will cause various health problems.

The habit of drinking alcohol, sleeping late at night, and excessive consumption of caffeine also makes your skin care to be in vain. Not only have an impact on the skin, cancer risk and infertility can be a new problem with the above habits.

9. Seek professional help for skin problems

Facial skin will not be perfect. can be dry or oily, can cause rashes and acne , and among many other problems. Handle problems with a professional dermatologist, either a skin care expert or a dermatologist for more severe skin problems.


As a summary of the topics of tips on taking care of skin health naturally, starting healthy habits such as quitting smoking and the like, consuming healthy foods and fruits, and maintaining skin hygiene is very important to obtain beautiful shine white skin. Carefully choose the type of cosmetics is also important that is based on your skin type.
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