6 Wonderful Benefits of Honey for Skin

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6 Wonderful Benefits of Honey for Skin

Since centuries ago honey has been used by many women for skin care. Honey has natural ingredients that are beneficial to the skin such as antioxidants, antibacterial, vitamin B and C. In addition to easily getting the benefits of skin beauty products, you can also add them to natural beauty routines. Do you know any miraculous benefits of honey for the skin? intermittent fasting

1. Protecting
From the many benefits the honey gives, protecting the skin is its primary ability. Antioxidant, anti-fungal and anti-microbial content can heal wounds, red spots and fight skin infections. 

2. Moisturizing
Honey has long been known as natural content, which, when used regularly, can soften skin and hair in the most dry state. You can apply honey to face and neck areas or mix it with other natural ingredients to make skin softer. 

3. Anti-Aging
Honey can also help reduce the signs of aging. You can look ageless because of the honey content that can counteract free radicals. This honey can be made into toner. Make a toner mix of two teaspoons of lemon, two teaspoons of honey and enough water. Then mix the ingredients in a clean bottle and shake evenly. To use it, apply it as you wear toner in general, pouring a few drops into cotton and apply it to your cleansed face. 

4. Cure
Infections and wounds can be minimized by consuming honey. This is because honey has anti-microbial content. The essence of sugar in honey can accelerate the healing process of the wound. 

5. Maintain
You can do two ways at once to eat honey. Take it regularly and apply it directly to skin and hair. Nutrients in honey such as magnesium, potassium and calcium contribute to skin regeneration that pushes cells to create healthy and beautiful skin. 

6. Cleaning
Sounds strange when honey is said to be a cleaner. However, the content of natural enzymes in honey, when mixed with water, can create a gentle antiseptic fluid to thoroughly cleanse the skin without reducing your natural oil content. 
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