Kemenkominfo Immediately Block 9500 Content Smelling Radical and Terrorism

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Kemenkominfo Immediately Block 9500 Content Smelling Radical and Terrorism

The Ministry of Communications and Information continues to block the site site siyus in cyberspace that leads to negative content, especially radicalism, terrorism and extremism. Currently there are 9500 negative content that contain the radicalism of terrorism and extremism that are being verified to be blocked.

Minister of Communications and Informatics Rudiantara said it was doing efforts to block the content of the neglected clnten mengsrah to understand the notion of damaging the nation of Indonesia, especially radicalism, terrorism and extremism. Until last weekend 2500 content has been blocked. "Well now still verify again 9500 content both medsos and youtube are allegedly included in the category," he explained after doing social service in the framework of National Awakening Day at Pondok Pesantren Al Mumtaz, in Patuk, Gunungkidul, DIY, Monday (21/5).

He explained that his party did choose to close the site or account account as well as media content content that leads to the idea of ​​radicalism and terrorism. This step is so that his party is not missed ddngan content that should be blocked but just off. "So it is wrong if we mistakenly apologize, rather than the dangerous content loose from the blocking," he said.

Rudiantara added, currently 9500 content is being explored about the contents in various accounts and also the site. This is to see the suitability of existing material and sites or accounts. "Hopefully, we will be able to finish the report as soon as possible, so we hope that the generations of the Indonesian people can be separated from the understanding that will make the disintegration of this nation," he explained. 

While in front of the students Rudiantara invite all students to carefully use social media in the middle of a digital era. Especially to block negative content that leads to radicalism, and terrorism. "Let's use social meditations for positive things," he said.

According to him, the students who become the next generation of the nation should be made aware of the importance of social media is good and ethical. Moreover, this teenage generation is very vulnerable to content that smells of radicalism content. "We must continue to block the site that leads to radicalism and terrorism," he said. 

On the occasion, the students along with Menkominfo Rudiantara, Vice Regent Gunungkidul Immawan Wahyudi also echoed badar shalawat and sang Indonesia Raya.

Vice Regent Gunungkidul Immawan Wahyudi revealed that his office will ask the Office of Communication and Informatics (Diskominfo) to keep track of negative content such as radical and leads to the idea of ​​terrorism. In addition, it is also necessary to socialize to the school school to avoid the negative understanding that aims to damage the joints for the life of the state. "Socialization in schools, especially high school and equivalent becomes very important to memhamkan about the negative side of radical content lonten and terrorism," he said.

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